Monday, 20 June 2011

Kate Somerville: Complexion Perfection!

Incase you haven't noticed, I am completely obsessed with all things skin related! I love reading books about skin because I take onboard what I read and use the advice to help treat my own skin. It's like a professional giving you advice in your own home!

Last week I bought some lipstick from Space NK (a favourite shop of mine) and they gave me some free samples. One of them was a small tube of Kate Somerville CytoCell a moisturiser with peptides to stimulate cell activity; I gave it to my mum and after she used it once she said she could already feel the difference it made to her skin and immediately went online to look it up!

So the next week my mum said she had got me a present and gave me... Kate Somerville's guide to skin Complexion Prefection! She was obviously very impressed with Someville's products!

For those of you who don't know who Kate Someville is, she is a very respected paramedical esthetician with 18 years of experience in clinical skin care. Basically, she knows what she's talking about.

One of the main reasons I like the book is because she explains what it is she is talking about. She talks about a treatment and tells you:
  • what it is
  • who it's for
  • what to expect
  • information about it
  • recommendations
She also talks about how to change your skin using external treatments and internal ones, so you can attack problems from all angles. And it's not just for people suffering from acne; it's for people with all skin issues and all ethnicities.

What I like best is that she talks about her own skin issues, she suffers severely from eczema, and I tend to trust peoples advice more if they have had skin problems themselves; it makes their advice seem more genuine.

I would definately recommend this book to anyone and especially those who, like me, are skin nerds!

- Natalie

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