Wednesday, 15 June 2011


Sorry it's been so long since I last posted!!! I went to New York <3 I also get my university results back this week so I have been in a peculiar state of anxiety...

So last time I wrote I told you I was taking Oxytetracycline; I took it for 7 weeks but it didn't make any difference. Usually you take them for a month but my doctor had given me them for longer and said that if there was no significant difference in that time frame then there would be no point in continuing to take them!

I went back to the doctor last monday (I think...) and after looking through my prescription history he finally found something I had not tried: Tetralysal.

In all honesty, I've lost track of what I've tried but apparently this one was definately not on the list! It's a red and yellow capsule and is bigger than the oxytetracycline, another difference is that I only take 1 of these a day where as with oxytetracycline I was taking 2 tablets twice a day!

It's too early to see if there is any difference but I will keep you posted. The side effects list is, again, as long as my arm but hopefully I won't have any of those. I think I might actually be immune to acne medication...

Also, I'm not sure if it will be at my appointment this friday or in another 2 weeks, I'm having laser treatment!!! I'm excited/scared because last time it hurt but I really want to see if it will make a difference to the scarring because despite the countless microdermabrasion sessions I have had they are still somewhat visible. So this friday I will either have my last microdermabrasion or I will start with the laser (you have to leave a 2 week gap inbetween each session so the skin can heal).

Anyway, wish me luck with my exam results!!!

- Natalie

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