Tuesday 11 June 2013


Hello! Sorry I haven't been on here in a while, I'll try and post more regularly from now!

Last weekend I was shopping in Manchester and went in Boots (the big one on Market Street) where I was surprised to see they have started selling Proactiv products!

Everyone who has ever suffered from acne knows about Proactiv; it's very big in America and has been endorsed by Katy Perry, Jessica Simpson, and Avril Lavigne (to name a few). When I first started getting acne when I was 16 my mum looked into it and apparently you couldn't just buy a single item, you had to buy a 3 month supply (which is why she didn't buy it because you don't want to be stuck with something that doesn't work).

I decided to buy a bottle of the Proactiv Solution Deep Cleansing Body Wash because the acne on my chest and back has been flaring up again. It contains 2% Salicylic acid as well as exfoliating micro beads to get rid of dead skin cells. It says you can use it on your face but I've been trying to avoid using salicylic acid on my facial skin to avoid over production of oil.

Since I've been using it I have developed more spots on my chest, and the small black heads seem to be coming closer to the surface giving the skin a rough texture. I HOPE that this means it is starting to work by clearing out the affected area and not aggravating it and causing a reaction; it's still early days so I'll give it a couple of weeks before making any decisions.

It was a little bit more expensive than your average body wash and at £19.99 so I'm hoping it's not a waste of money!

Apparently it went on sale in London just over a year ago but this is the first time I've seen it one sale in Manchester, there is a lot of mixed reception about Proactiv; has anybody ever tried it before? what did you think?

- Natalie