Tuesday 22 March 2016

6 weeks on Roaccutane

My face is itchy and dry, my lips keep splitting/bleeding, the tops of my hands are rough and cracked, my makeup peels off because of my flaky skin, I feel paranoid that people are looking at my skin and judging it, I feel ugly.

I'm embarrassed to talk to people because I don't want them to look at my face and judge me; I don't want to go out because I feel ugly.

I want this stage to pass.

- Natalie

Sunday 20 March 2016

Dry hands

My hands are starting to get dry; it feels like I have mild eczema on the top of my hands. The palms seem to be unaffected

It's a lot redder than it appears on the picture and the skin is very rough. I've been using Cetaphil moisturising lotion on it but it doesn't seem to be affecting it!

- Natalie

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Spotty neck

I have been on Roaccutane for 1 month and 5 days and at the moment it seems to be affected the underneath of my chin/jaw and neck; I seem to remember this happened last time, as well.

As a rule, I don't generally get spots on my neck so I can only assume that the reason it's happening now is because sooner or later the spots would have appeared and  is just drawing them out...? I have no idea. All I know is that I'm applying more makeup to my neck then I ever have done before!

It only started in the last few days but tiny, painful whiteheads are starting to appear and they then because hideous and noticeable red spots.

- Natalie

Monday 7 March 2016

Chapped/bleeding lips because of Roaccutane

This is the first day that They have bled; I woke up and my lips felt very dry and when I opened my mouth to brush my teeth they cracked and started bleeding.

This is a really common side effect and is also really annoying when you love to wear lipstick... 

As I said previously, I've been using Flint + Flint lip hero to stop the dryness during the day which has really worked for me. I've also been applying coconut oil which doesn't sting and seems to calm the dryness as well.

If anyone knows of any intense night time lip treatments that can prevent morning bleeding please let me know!

- Natalie

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Month 1 on Roaccutane (pictures)

I have recently completed month 1 of my third course of Roaccutane!

I find it's working a lot quicker than the previous times and in the first 2 weeks I noticed that my skin was a lot less oily; when my skin was at its oiliest I could feel my skin becoming greasy and is constantly be checking my mirror and I can't believe what a difference R has made already!

At the moment it doesn't look like I have a lot of acne but this is a good day. 

My skin is starting to become dryer; I'm applying Lip balm constantly (I've been using Flint + Flint Lip Hero which seems to be working), my face is starting to peel- especially around my nose and on my chin, and my hands have started to get Tony cuts on them where they're drying out.

Sometimes I get mild headaches but other than that it's mainly just the dryness which is going to get worse but BRING IT ON 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻

I went for my second consultation yesterday and even the consultant said how unusual it is to have to take R for a third time: he said people usually take it during their late teens and can relapse after a few years but to have to take it a third time is unfortunate.

As I was walking to the hospital there was a girl who was lost, also going to the dermatology department, so I walked in with her because acne is embarrassing and horrible and we should support each other because we're all going through the same thing. If you're reading this, random girl, hi!

- Natalie