Wednesday 27 February 2013

I want Roaccutane!

I have had enough, I have decided I am going back on Roaccutane!

It is the only thing that seems to have made any difference whatsoever to my skin! At the moment I'm covered in hideous spots that I can't hide with makeup, I'm oily, and my skin is so sensitive that everything I use on it burns!

I wish that I could go out wearing no makeup and be happy with the way I look!

I said in yesterday's post about the Epiduo "burning" my skin; here's a picture! It's rough and looks a bit like I've been sunburnt.

- Natalie

Tuesday 26 February 2013



In one of my previous posts I wrote about how I was going to start using trimethoprim and Epiduo cream, that was on December 2012 and I don't see any difference to my skin...

The instructions with the trimethoprim was to take 3 tablets in the morning and 3 at night, but a day or two into taking them I started feeling nauseous (like when you feel travel sick) and then actually ended up being sick a few times. I carried on taking them because I thought maybe I had the flu but after a while I realised it was because of them. Because of this I started taking them at night only because I can sleep through the sickness, but every morning I wake up with a horrible head ache! They taste horrid as well...

The Epiduo cream is very strong and my shoulders keep going very red and feel tender because of it, they look like they've been sunburnt. I'm not sure that this combination is working!

Have any of you used either of these? Have they worked for you?

- Natalie