Tuesday 26 April 2016

Burning hands

The tops of my hands are starting to burn again; i have been keeping them moisturised and have been applying Eumovate when necessary but i can feel them starting to develop a rash like last time.

You can see the rash starting to develop and it feels hot/burning.

I've applied some more Eumovate so I'm hoping that it stops a rash from fully developing.

- Natalie

Saturday 9 April 2016


So I bought the Eumovate as recommended by the Dermatology nurse last week!m; If you read my post Rash on hands you will see the pictures of my red, rough, scabby hands (a common side effect of Roacutane).

You only need to use a very small amount; a small, pea sized amount will cover the back of your hand entirely. As it is a topical steroid it is recommended that you only use it twice a day and you shouldn't need to use it for longer than 7 days, obviously if it has had no effect in that time period you should see your doctor.

You shouldn't use it: on your face, genitals, or between your toes.

I literally could see a difference the next day, my hands are smooth and you can't even tell there was anything wrong with them! Honestly, my hands were so rough and red that people were making comments about them. This has made such an unbelievable difference and it cost me less than £7.00!

- Natalie

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Start of month 3

I went back to my Dermatologist yesterday for my third prescription of R

This time around I've been seeing my consultant on the NHS; I don't have insurance and the consultations and prescriptions are so expensive! For my first appointment I saw my regular consultant but yesterday and the time before I saw two different nurses who were able to prescribe me the Roaccutane. Yesterday I saw a lovely nurse who upped my dosage to 50mg; she noted that the majority of my spots were around my jawline/neck and said she would increase my prescription to try and make the medication work quicker. 

Here is my face after completing 2 months on 40mg:

I'm sure I've mentioned this before but just for the record my skin isn't actually yellow- it's my face cream...

Anyway, as you can see I'm still spotty and they happen to be those horrible big, sore spots that are really difficult to cover with makeup. Today at work I was embarrassed when people spoke to me so I avoided eye contact with them; my friend, who knows I take R said "I don't know why you take them, they just make your skin worse!" Which upset me. Why do people always have to have an opinion on things they know nothing about??? 

Acne is such a horrid thing to have; I was going to send my friend a snapchat before and didn't because my my skin looked hideous in every photo I took. I feel very lonely.

- Natalie

Rash on hands

Last Friday my hands started to feel really warm, then they suddenly started to sting/burn, when I looked at them they had a bright red rash all over them.

It was only on the top
Of my hands/wrists but it looked like I was having an allergic reaction to something. The stinging eventually subsided but they still felt quite raw for hours after it.

They stayed like that till about Sunday and now, although the colour is normal, they feel rough and have tiny scabs on them.

I went to visit my Dermatologist yesterday  and she said to keep them moisturised (which I have been doing but doesn't seem to be stopping them dryness) and then recommended a topical steroid like Eumovate. Apparently, it's used to treat eczema and dermatitis and is cheap to buy.

Apparently, rashes like this are Normal when you take Roaccutane as oil is being dried up from all areas of the body and this is how the skin can react. This is my third time on R and I've never experienced this before!!! It really itches at the moment though...


I've bought some so I'll let you know if it makes any difference to my now scaly hands!

- Natalie