Sunday 23 December 2012

My skin now

I am so disheartened right now; my skin possibly looks worse then it ever has before.

As I type, my face is burning because I applied some e45 cream and my skin is too sensitive to tolerate it.

I'm starting to think I'll never have clear skin and its a very depressing though.

I hope you're all have better luck than me.

- Natalie

Tuesday 18 December 2012

A visit to the Dermatologist

Today I went to see a dermatologist and explained that NOTHING seemed to be working! My acne is on my face, arms, back, chest... It's starting to make me self conscious about the clothes I wear and I'm starting to avoid eye contact with people again.

The Dermatologist I saw was so nice; when it comes to my skin I usually get embarrassed but he put me at ease and also looked a little bit surprised when I reeled off the list of treatments I've had.

After looking at my skin with a magnifying glass he confirmed my skin was bad (and that was the best it's looked in a while) and said he wanted to put me back on Roaccutane. It's quite common for people who have taken R to be put back on it as acne relapses do happen and I have no problem with taking it; however, my mother is. Before I went she told me to take that as a last option so I asked the Dr if there was anything else I could try*.

So the good Doctor has prescribed me with two things: Trimethoprim (a very strong antibiotic) and Epiduo (a gel with a strong % of Benzoyl peroxide and can cause peeling).

I need to go back in 3 months and if this doesn't work it's back to R for me!

- Natalie

* I said this also because I knew if I opted for R straight away I would have to wait a month after having blood tests etc before I could actually start taking it. This way I get treatment now and can have blood tests ready for my next appointment if I need to.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Celebrity Skin

If you became famous would you discuss acne and your problem skin in an interview? I wouldn't; it is not something I would want to point out to people who would undoubtedly want to take photos of me at my worst! Because of this it always gets me interested when a celebrity talks about their problem skin and how acne, or any other problem, affects them.

I was reading an article today in which the wonderful Emma Stone spoke about how she suffers from acne and it often has to be airbrushed out of her movies. By looking at her I never would have guessed that she has cystic acne! She credits her make up artist with being able to cover it but admits to having taken Roaccutane and stated that she gets Cortisone* injections for it (ouch).

She told that her acne is stress induced and described it as "debilitating and embarassing".

She also used one of my favourite sayings when it comes to acne "no pain no gain". Too true.

I have so much respect for Emma; sure she's the face of Revlon but nobody would have expected her to be so honest about her skin.

There is a link to the interview, have a read and let me know if you agree!

- Natalie

*a steroid injection into a cystic spot which reduces inflammation and swelling within around 24 hours.


My skin has started breaking out again and making me feel quite self conscious so I decided to book myself in for a Power Pumpkin Peel at the Skin Health Spa.

I haven't had one of these for a while but I wanted to get out of the habit of always opting for Microcermabrasion because even though it gets rid of the skins surface and makes it smooth, it doesn't do anything to prevent breakouts.

Before you have a peel they ask if you have prepped your skin with a recommended cleanser; I already had a Glyco Creamy Cleanser from the Dermaquest range from one of the last peels I had so I was able to book my appointment in rather than having to waste time buying said cleanser and spending 3/5 days prepping my skin. I think this idea of prepping the skin is relatively new as I have had peels before (at the same place) where I've not needed to do anything before hand!

I arrived for my appointment and before it took place I had to sign a dew forms to show that I understood that; peeling would take place in the days following, I should stay out of direct sunlight/use an SPF, and that pigmentation could occur (this is more for darker skin tones). Once that had been done I had the peel!

Now a Power Pumpkin Peel is one of the milder peels they do but it still gets quite hot! they clean the skin before hand and once they have applied the peel they turn on a fan to stop any burning and wash the face after about 10 minutes. If you are used to having peels/treatments then it isn't unbearable, especially with the fan to cool you down, it's the same kind of sensation when you are sat in the sun and can feel yourself burning. If your skin looks like it is becoming irritated then they take it off straight away.

After the peel they tell you now to put make up on for the rest of the day, to not use hot water to wash your face, and to not use any strong cleanser/washes for the next few days. They will most probably try and sell you some neutral moisturisers and cleansers to use after the peel, which I bought because I am a sucker for facial products. I repurchase the Advanced B5 Serum, which I have already posted about, and also the Daily Enzyme Cleanser (both Dermaquest) products.

What comes after a Peel? Why, peeling of course. If you are having a peel TRY not to book in on a Tuesday like I did and then have to spend the rest of the week at work looking like a snake. It makes you look like you have really dry skin and makeup does nothing to help cover it! Book it for a thursday night because the worst of the peeling happens 2/3 days later.

Now I have booked another peel in, they usually say do it for about 2 weeks later. The peel I had cost £95 but if your thinking of having one done ask about any offers they may have on; I manager to get a deal of 3 peels for £125!

Fingers crossed it does my skin some good!

- Natalie