Sunday 23 December 2012

My skin now

I am so disheartened right now; my skin possibly looks worse then it ever has before.

As I type, my face is burning because I applied some e45 cream and my skin is too sensitive to tolerate it.

I'm starting to think I'll never have clear skin and its a very depressing though.

I hope you're all have better luck than me.

- Natalie


  1. Hello,

    I run and maintain a blog about blogging and WordPress at Recently, I have launched some inspirational blogs about getting 6 packs ( and losing weight post pregnancy (

    I am also in the process of launching a similar blog that publishes inspiring stories of people who are fighting with acne and people who have succeeded in getting rid of acne. You can see it at

    I was searching the internet for acne related blogs, and was really impressed by your story when I read about it on your blog. Congratulations for everything you have been able to achieve!

    I was wondering if you would be interested in an email interview telling your story – we would discuss topics like your background, how you felt when you started getting acne, what you did to fight acne, the issues you faced, how you succeeded, etc. Your story would be really inspiring and motivating to many people wanting to get rid of acne, and therefore, I urge you to positively consider this interview request. 

    I would of course be happy to provide a link back to your blog or Facebook page. Please let me know if you would want to go ahead with this email interview, and I would send out the questions to you.

    Thanks in advance...

    Warm regards,
    How They Got Rid of Acne Team.

  2. Hello! I would love to help you with your blog, my email address is
    Hope to hear from you soon :) x

  3. Hey Natalie, I just came across your blog yesterday.

    I myself am in a smiliar situation too you. Tried most brands and over the counter treatments with no real results. Im 25 and male, never got acne in my teens but started to in early 20s.

    Your skin is not bad at all, did you go for your 3rd n lite appointment? I'm really considering that treatment.

    Thanks, Ricky

  4. I have a scar removal gel that works GREAT for my stretch marks and other scars, but I've yet to see this dramatic or any improvement in my acne scars. cure for pimples

  5. I have lots of acne. I want something that will prevent pimples all together & keep my skin from getting dry and flaky.Thanks. under skin pimple
