Friday 22 July 2011

Laser Treatment

Yesterday I graduated (congratulations to me!) and how did I celebrate? By have an N-Lite laser treatment session today, of course!

Before you read this, it might be worth reading my post from April titled "N-Lite Laser Treatment" as it gives more information on the actual treatment.

The treatment literally lasted no more than 5 minutes! Suprinsing since the last time I had it done it took around 30-40 minutes. My assumption is that the treatment takes longer if there is a larger infected surface area to treat; the esthetician will spend longer making sure that all the infected areas are targeted.
The only areas where I thought it was most uncomfortable was around my eyes and on the cheeks near the nose; it's probably because these areas of skin are quite thin.
She used quite a low laser setting on me and I never had to ask her to stop, it was always bearable!

It's made me feel a bit silly about avoiding laser treatment; the first time I had it done was when my skin was badly infected and the laser made my skin feel like it was burning, because the effects of the laser are felt more strongly on infected areas.

Right now my face feels hot and looks red but that's normal and should calm down soon apparently. It's also not uncommon to have small red marks on the skin where the laser has been used.

- Natalie

Sunday 17 July 2011

Blotting Sheets

As I have said before, I have very oily skin!!! After an hour or so my face feels heavy and I have to re-apply my make-up to stop it looking patchy and remove the shine.

When I'm at work I ALWAYS keep blotting sheets in my pocket; when I'm working 9 hour shifts and have no access to powder it's a quick way to get rid of the shine on my t-zone!

They're just small squares of paper that you press to your face and it absorbs the excess sebum produced to stop your face looking excessively oily!

They are life savers!!! Infact, a girl who I work with always steals mine because (due to the bad air conditioning in the shop we work in) her skin always gets oily too!

You can buy them anywhere and they can be cheap or expensive; I have ones from Bobbi Brown, Sephora, and Superdrug and I have them with me at all times.

- Natalie

Monday 11 July 2011

Benzoyl Peroxide

Chances are that you have visited your GP at some point and have been prescribed Benzoyl Peroxide and not really known what it is, I have!

It can come in many forms: creams, cleansers, oitments, but you're usually prescribed it in gel form. It's basically a chemical that is included in most acne products;, if you look at the packaging on your precription it will tell you the percentage of Benzoyl Peroxide in that particular product, ones with a higher percentage are more likely to make your skin tingle because of the strength.

It's an antibacterial so it kills germs and sheds dead skin cells.

It's usually one of the first acne products to be recommended by your GP and is really effective on mild acne. Unfortunately if, like myself, you suffer from a more severe form then it probably won't be very effective. It can be quite drying as well which is never fun!

It didn't make any difference to me but my brother found it worked for him! It depends of the type of acne you have and, as I have said in a previous post, you have to try all the milder forms of medication before your GP will prescribe you stronger ones like Roaccutane.

- Natalie

Friday 8 July 2011

Dr Brandt: Pores No More Vacuum Cleaner.

This product for oily/combination skin claims to "extract blackheads" and as I have a lot of blackheads on my nose I decided to buy it to see if it worked!

The fact that it's called a "vacuum cleaner" is quite deceiving because it sounds as if it is some kind of mechanical device when actually it is a lotion!

You just pump out a small amount, apply to the areas that have blackheads and leave for 5-10 minutes. The lotion turns white as it dries and cools down so you can feel it on your face, when it's dry you wash it off and then are supposed to pat the face dry rather than rub it (although I'm not sure why?).

It says it can be used 2-3 times a week but I probably used it more... Anyway, I didn't think it was making much difference when yesterday my mum said to me "that stuff is really working isn't it! You've got no blackheads on your nose now!" Now, I have one of those mirrors that reflects a bigger image on one side than it does the other and it is with this mirror that I usually scrutinise my face and I must agree that on closer inspection the blackheads on my nose did look smaller but I wouldn't say that they had gone completely.

When I bought it (at Space NK for £39) the sales assistant did tell me that it is something you have to use consistently each week to see results for I'll persevere with it and see if it makes anymore difference!

Here is what the website says about it:


Pores No More® Vacuum Cleaner® blackhead and oil remover is formulated with alpha and beta hydroxyl acids, silicone dioxide and eijitsu rose for maximum performance.
Key Ingredients:

  • Eijitsu rose - extract from the Japanese rose that helps tighten pores.

  • Glycolic acid - alpha hydroxy acid derived from sugar cane that exfoliates and softens skins texture.

  • Salicylic acid - exfoliates and removes dead skin cells. Keeps pores clean, and prevents clogging.

  • Silicone dioxide - mineral powder from sand that extracts dirt and excess oil and absorbs sebum.

  • Free Standard UK Delivery"

    Now, I know that I said that I wouldn't be buying anymore products with Salicylic acid in them but the Kiehl's Yerba Mate Tea Toner seems to have my oily skin under control at the moment so it doesn't seem to be affecting the amount of oil my skin is producing!

    It's not very big at all and is quite expensive so I'll keep you updated on whether or not it continues to work!

    - Natalie

    Thursday 7 July 2011

    N-Lite Laser Patch Test

    If you haven't read my first post on N-Lite laser treatment I would suggest doing so because then this post will make more sense!

    Here's a quick run through of what happened when I had the patch test:
    Firstly, I had to sign some forms to say that I understood what the treatment entailed and the side effects that could occur. After that I lay on the bed and put on the blacked out goggles to protect my eyes from the laser!
    I was told by the esthetician that she was going to use the laser 4 times on either side of my face at different levels of strength so I could monitor how my skin reacted to the laser, and see whether any bruising occurred within the next couple of days.
    She warned me eveytime she was about to use the laser but it still made me jump; because of the blacked-out goggles you don't know where abouts on your face they are gong to use the laser so it surprises you each time!
    I wouldn't say it ws painful, more uncomfortable. I can only describe it as somebody flicking you in the face with an elastic band! But it's bearable.

    That was nearly a week ago and so far there has been no bruising and I am scheduled to have the full blown laser treatment on the 22nd July so I am counting down the days!

    During my treatment I found out the following facts:
    • The laser cannot blind you; the goggles just protect your eyes from the bright light. The esthetician wears a pair of yellow goggles to lessen the harshness of the light but no, it won't damage your eye sight.
    • The laser is more harsh on darker skin, so people with medium or very dark skin tones are more prone to bruising.
    - Natalie