Monday 7 January 2019

Kendall Jenner’s announcement

In my older posts I wrote about how at my lowest point I hid myself away and avoided going outside because I was embarrassed people would judge me; I can’t imagine how hard it must be to suffer from acne and be in the public eye, constantly being scrutinised.

I sympathise with Kendall Jenner however there is one difference between her and us- she is worth millions of pounds and can afford to be treated by the best Dermatologists. She has spoken in the past about how her dermatologist helped control her acne, her Dermatologists has spoken about how she has laser treatment. How can she then say that Proactiv is a miracle cure?

I have used Proactiv and can categorically state that it does not work.

Those of us that have suffered from severe acne know that drug store medicines do not work, Proactiv is no different to Oxy or Neutrogena products. It is a waste of money and I worry that desperate people will purchase it because Kendall Jenner has put her name against it and told the world she can relate to us.

I am disgusted with her lack of compassion.

Acne is always treated as something that will pass, something for people to make fun of; why for once can we not have a spokesperson that admits to the treatments they have had and the struggles they have faced? There is a stigma attached to acne, if you have acne you are ugly, and people are ashamed to admit a) that they have had it and b) that it didn’t magically go away on its own.

Acne is crying to your mum everyday because you hate yourself, acne is monthly doctors appointments with blood and pregnancy tests to be able to get the medication you need, acne is avoiding socialising and hiding yourself away because you don’t want people to see you, acne is depression and self loathing.

Someone who has truly felt the affects of acne does not sign a multi million dollar contract to endorse a product that does not work.

Shame on you Kendall Jenner, shame on you.