Saturday 9 July 2016

How many tablets do you take a day?

I recently started taking 70mg and unfortunately the pharmacists had to give me a mix of 20mg and 5mg tablets

Today I took 10 tablets!

- Natalie

Monday 4 July 2016

End of month 6

I went back to my dermatologist today for a monthly checkup; I've been taking R for 6 months now (mostly at 50mg) and I'm still breaking out. As this is my third time on R I would have hoped it would have cleared my acne up quicker and been completely effective! 

There hasn't been a day that my skin has been completely clear, you might look at pictures and think "what's she complaining about? My skin's much worse than that" but if I'm still getting spots now (6 months in and on the third course) what will happen when I stop taking it and it's out of my system? Why does it never work properly on me? 

At the moment I have 2 large puss filled spots in both of my ears that have been there for about 2 weeks and don't seem to be going! Every day when I wake up and at least one of my ears is filled with fluid!

Because my skin is so dry I keep getting tiny scabs on my face, mostly on my forehead.

My lips are very dry and wearing lipstick is literally impossible because my lips peel constantly.

Anyway, I explained to my doctor that I have still been getting spots and they decided to up my dosage to 70mg. I've only ever taken up to 50mg but they hope the increased dosage will help stop my spots once and for all. 

I'm due back in 3 weeks to check my progress and I'm hoping it works!

- Natalie

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Month 5 (50mg)

I am now on my fifth month of my third course of Roaccutane!

I'm still getting spots; some days my skin looks smooth and I start to get excited thinking "this is it!" and the next day I wake up and i'm covered in new spots and I feel like I'm in a never ending cycle of disappointment. 

Today I woke up to an array of tiny spots on my cheeks and jaw.

I have a lot of blackheads on my cheeks and they seem to be developing into tiny whiteheads.

As you can see, my lips are still cracked in the corners. Every day I wake up and open my mouth the brush my teeth and they split down the sides leaving me looking like the Joker in Batman... 

I've definitely noticed my hair has been less greasy and last week I managed 3 days without washing it!!! That is unprecedented; before this course of R I was washing it every night and waking up to it being greasy the next day!

That's what makes me worry about my skin when I stop taking R; I've already taken 2 courses and my skin still went back to the way it was before- who's to say it won't this time?? I can't bear to be a 26 year old woman who still has the insecurities of her 16 year old self. 

I'm still completely paranoid about my face and the way I look; I scrutinise my reflection constantly and when people are looking at me and I see their eyes flicker across my face I'm convinced they're judging me for being ugly.

I feel bad because there are horrific things going on in the world right now and my problems are so insignificant in comparison, as often as I feel sad I feel guilty because in other ways I am so fortunate.

- Natalie

Monday 9 May 2016

Start of month 4 (50mg)

The inside of my nose is all dry and bleeds whenever I blow it, my lip has been cracked at the side for about 3 months and often bleeds, the tops of my arms are incredibly dry, I sweat a lot, and I'm still breaking out daily.

Other than that everything's great...

- Natalie

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Burning hands

The tops of my hands are starting to burn again; i have been keeping them moisturised and have been applying Eumovate when necessary but i can feel them starting to develop a rash like last time.

You can see the rash starting to develop and it feels hot/burning.

I've applied some more Eumovate so I'm hoping that it stops a rash from fully developing.

- Natalie

Saturday 9 April 2016


So I bought the Eumovate as recommended by the Dermatology nurse last week!m; If you read my post Rash on hands you will see the pictures of my red, rough, scabby hands (a common side effect of Roacutane).

You only need to use a very small amount; a small, pea sized amount will cover the back of your hand entirely. As it is a topical steroid it is recommended that you only use it twice a day and you shouldn't need to use it for longer than 7 days, obviously if it has had no effect in that time period you should see your doctor.

You shouldn't use it: on your face, genitals, or between your toes.

I literally could see a difference the next day, my hands are smooth and you can't even tell there was anything wrong with them! Honestly, my hands were so rough and red that people were making comments about them. This has made such an unbelievable difference and it cost me less than £7.00!

- Natalie

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Start of month 3

I went back to my Dermatologist yesterday for my third prescription of R

This time around I've been seeing my consultant on the NHS; I don't have insurance and the consultations and prescriptions are so expensive! For my first appointment I saw my regular consultant but yesterday and the time before I saw two different nurses who were able to prescribe me the Roaccutane. Yesterday I saw a lovely nurse who upped my dosage to 50mg; she noted that the majority of my spots were around my jawline/neck and said she would increase my prescription to try and make the medication work quicker. 

Here is my face after completing 2 months on 40mg:

I'm sure I've mentioned this before but just for the record my skin isn't actually yellow- it's my face cream...

Anyway, as you can see I'm still spotty and they happen to be those horrible big, sore spots that are really difficult to cover with makeup. Today at work I was embarrassed when people spoke to me so I avoided eye contact with them; my friend, who knows I take R said "I don't know why you take them, they just make your skin worse!" Which upset me. Why do people always have to have an opinion on things they know nothing about??? 

Acne is such a horrid thing to have; I was going to send my friend a snapchat before and didn't because my my skin looked hideous in every photo I took. I feel very lonely.

- Natalie

Rash on hands

Last Friday my hands started to feel really warm, then they suddenly started to sting/burn, when I looked at them they had a bright red rash all over them.

It was only on the top
Of my hands/wrists but it looked like I was having an allergic reaction to something. The stinging eventually subsided but they still felt quite raw for hours after it.

They stayed like that till about Sunday and now, although the colour is normal, they feel rough and have tiny scabs on them.

I went to visit my Dermatologist yesterday  and she said to keep them moisturised (which I have been doing but doesn't seem to be stopping them dryness) and then recommended a topical steroid like Eumovate. Apparently, it's used to treat eczema and dermatitis and is cheap to buy.

Apparently, rashes like this are Normal when you take Roaccutane as oil is being dried up from all areas of the body and this is how the skin can react. This is my third time on R and I've never experienced this before!!! It really itches at the moment though...

I've bought some so I'll let you know if it makes any difference to my now scaly hands!

- Natalie

Tuesday 22 March 2016

6 weeks on Roaccutane

My face is itchy and dry, my lips keep splitting/bleeding, the tops of my hands are rough and cracked, my makeup peels off because of my flaky skin, I feel paranoid that people are looking at my skin and judging it, I feel ugly.

I'm embarrassed to talk to people because I don't want them to look at my face and judge me; I don't want to go out because I feel ugly.

I want this stage to pass.

- Natalie

Sunday 20 March 2016

Dry hands

My hands are starting to get dry; it feels like I have mild eczema on the top of my hands. The palms seem to be unaffected

It's a lot redder than it appears on the picture and the skin is very rough. I've been using Cetaphil moisturising lotion on it but it doesn't seem to be affecting it!

- Natalie

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Spotty neck

I have been on Roaccutane for 1 month and 5 days and at the moment it seems to be affected the underneath of my chin/jaw and neck; I seem to remember this happened last time, as well.

As a rule, I don't generally get spots on my neck so I can only assume that the reason it's happening now is because sooner or later the spots would have appeared and  is just drawing them out...? I have no idea. All I know is that I'm applying more makeup to my neck then I ever have done before!

It only started in the last few days but tiny, painful whiteheads are starting to appear and they then because hideous and noticeable red spots.

- Natalie

Monday 7 March 2016

Chapped/bleeding lips because of Roaccutane

This is the first day that They have bled; I woke up and my lips felt very dry and when I opened my mouth to brush my teeth they cracked and started bleeding.

This is a really common side effect and is also really annoying when you love to wear lipstick... 

As I said previously, I've been using Flint + Flint lip hero to stop the dryness during the day which has really worked for me. I've also been applying coconut oil which doesn't sting and seems to calm the dryness as well.

If anyone knows of any intense night time lip treatments that can prevent morning bleeding please let me know!

- Natalie

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Month 1 on Roaccutane (pictures)

I have recently completed month 1 of my third course of Roaccutane!

I find it's working a lot quicker than the previous times and in the first 2 weeks I noticed that my skin was a lot less oily; when my skin was at its oiliest I could feel my skin becoming greasy and is constantly be checking my mirror and I can't believe what a difference R has made already!

At the moment it doesn't look like I have a lot of acne but this is a good day. 

My skin is starting to become dryer; I'm applying Lip balm constantly (I've been using Flint + Flint Lip Hero which seems to be working), my face is starting to peel- especially around my nose and on my chin, and my hands have started to get Tony cuts on them where they're drying out.

Sometimes I get mild headaches but other than that it's mainly just the dryness which is going to get worse but BRING IT ON 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻

I went for my second consultation yesterday and even the consultant said how unusual it is to have to take R for a third time: he said people usually take it during their late teens and can relapse after a few years but to have to take it a third time is unfortunate.

As I was walking to the hospital there was a girl who was lost, also going to the dermatology department, so I walked in with her because acne is embarrassing and horrible and we should support each other because we're all going through the same thing. If you're reading this, random girl, hi!

- Natalie

Saturday 20 February 2016

Itchy scalp

I've only been on Roaccutane for 2 weeks and 1 day but already the itchy scalp is driving me crazy!

R works by drying out the skin and my scalp seems to be the most affected right now, I assume because it wasn't very oily to begin with its drying up quicker?

I'm suffering with itching and skin flakes so I'm going to stock up on Head and Shoulders to try and combat

It's a really annoying and common side effect, I'm just hoping the itching stops soon! If anyone has any tips for me I'd love to hear them!!!!

- Natalie

Wednesday 17 February 2016

2 weeks on Roaccutane

Well, 13 days to be exact...

 Already my skin has started to become flaky! I have a friend who knows I'm taking it and when I said to her my skin was starting to become dry she said she had noticed it a few days earlier; but if she hadn't have known I was taking R and that this was a side effect of it then she wouldn't have paid it any attention.

I have also, in the last day or two, started experiencing a pain in the centre of my chest (middle of the ribs in line with my nipples). I can only describe it as a heavy, dull ache that comes and goes.

- Natalie

Friday 5 February 2016

Day 1 of Roaccutane (round 3)

Today is my first day back on Roaccutane! Hopefully this time it will work.

I'm starting on 40mg; last time I took it for 6 months but this time my dermatologist said he'll keep me on it for as long as it takes.

This is my skin today:

I'll keep you updated with my progress and any side effects I might have

- Natalie

Monday 1 February 2016


Last year I decided, instead of my usual Micropeels, to try Dermarolling.

The Derma Roller is a small hand held device covered in hundreds of surgical micro-needles; when rolled across the skin they can prick through the dermis, without damaging the skin, to help generate collagen production. It can be used for acne scars as the collagen helps new skin form until the scars are healed.

Before Dermarolling takes place they will numb the skin with a cream so make the pricking less painful.

I personally didn't find it painful but I have quite a high pain threshold when it comes to my face... A bunch of tiny needles are going to be rolled across your skin so it's always safe to assume before you have it done that it won't feel like a soothing facial. Apparently people feel it more on the bony parts of the face (the forehead).

The numbing cream was left for about 25 minutes, it was the same sensation you get if your mouth is numbed by the dentist before an injection. 

The derma rolling itself didn't last very long, 15 minutes at most? I could could feel my face getting hotter and when it was over I was warned that, due to the needles creating tiny tears in my skin, it was very red.

This redness lasted about 30 minutes and then died down to a small amount of redness, when the numbing cream wore off my skin did feel quite tender also. I was advised not to apply any makeup and to avoid hot water (showers/baths/steam rooms).

- Natalie

Sunday 31 January 2016

3rd time on Roaccutane

Next week I am back at my Doctors to be prescribed Roaccutane for the third time in my 25 year old life.

I went to see my Dr in December because once again my face was continuously breaking out and I thought "I'm a grown woman, I shouldn't be having to put up with this". I absolutely hate waking up in the morning and making that walk to the mirror to see how bad it will be. 

There are no good days with my skin- there are average days but that is not good enough. I don't want to feel ugly every day. 

I hate it when people say "you can't even notice it". Yes, you can. And if I can notice it and my dermatologist can notice it then it is there.

I've already been to have my blood tests so I just need to pick those ready to take with me. 

I'm relieved because although it's not cleared my skin up perfectly like I would have hoped it would have the last two times I am optimistic that this time will be third time lucky.

Has any one else had to take R multiple times? What's the most amount of times you've been prescribed it?

- Natalie