Tuesday 22 March 2016

6 weeks on Roaccutane

My face is itchy and dry, my lips keep splitting/bleeding, the tops of my hands are rough and cracked, my makeup peels off because of my flaky skin, I feel paranoid that people are looking at my skin and judging it, I feel ugly.

I'm embarrassed to talk to people because I don't want them to look at my face and judge me; I don't want to go out because I feel ugly.

I want this stage to pass.

- Natalie


  1. I've been reading your blog for years and never left a comment. I know how you feel. I'm lucky since roaccutane worked for me the first time but I've had some problems again now.

    I hope it all goes well for you and that you find the peace you need. Having acne can be such hell.

  2. I have really bad acne too and can relate. Thanks so much for sharing your experience. It makes me feel that I can keep going as well.
