Tuesday 18 December 2012

A visit to the Dermatologist

Today I went to see a dermatologist and explained that NOTHING seemed to be working! My acne is on my face, arms, back, chest... It's starting to make me self conscious about the clothes I wear and I'm starting to avoid eye contact with people again.

The Dermatologist I saw was so nice; when it comes to my skin I usually get embarrassed but he put me at ease and also looked a little bit surprised when I reeled off the list of treatments I've had.

After looking at my skin with a magnifying glass he confirmed my skin was bad (and that was the best it's looked in a while) and said he wanted to put me back on Roaccutane. It's quite common for people who have taken R to be put back on it as acne relapses do happen and I have no problem with taking it; however, my mother is. Before I went she told me to take that as a last option so I asked the Dr if there was anything else I could try*.

So the good Doctor has prescribed me with two things: Trimethoprim (a very strong antibiotic) and Epiduo (a gel with a strong % of Benzoyl peroxide and can cause peeling).

I need to go back in 3 months and if this doesn't work it's back to R for me!

- Natalie

* I said this also because I knew if I opted for R straight away I would have to wait a month after having blood tests etc before I could actually start taking it. This way I get treatment now and can have blood tests ready for my next appointment if I need to.

1 comment:

  1. I also have terrible acne problems :( and Accutane is the only medicine that can make my skin better...but I can't depend on it forever, since it will cause fetal defects (if u plan to have a pregnant ahead). I'm confused right now, I stop taking it but again...my acnes come! Looking forward to hear ur progress by taking Trimethoprim and Epiduo :)

    - misslemongrass.blogspot.com -
