Thursday 21 April 2011

Glycolic peel

Much like the Power Pumpkin peel, a Glycolic peel works to resurface the skin to get rid of any scarring and reduce acne!

The strength of the peel can be changed depending on the severity of your condition, as can the time that the peel is left of the skin. Glycolic peel is actually one of the milder peels you can have and can therefore have it done every 2-3 weeks, there are "deep" peels for the absolute worst cases of acne but you can only have those done once in your life due to the severity of the peel and you would have to be under anesthetic.

As it is a mild peel the side effects aren't too bad: redness and dryness of the skin, and light sensitivity. You can apply make-up straight after it (though I never did).

As the peel is applied your skin should feel tingly, the more it tingles the deeper it is working! There should be no discomfort, and afterwards an spf mosturiser is applied to soothe the skin!

Peels usually work deeper than microdermabrasion which takes away the top layer of skin, if you want to have one done but can't decide I recommend visiting either your GP or a trained professional who can give you all the details and help you make a decision!

- Natalie

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